When does it happen? Are there signals? How do you know when
it happens to you? Does something change about you and mark you forever? What
makes other people know it’s your time?

For years I cringed (internally and externally) when I was
called “ma’am”. But gradually, as I aged, I no longer cringed. Instead I began
to kind of accept it. Not because I suddenly looked “that old” (I’m often told
I look 8 to 10 years younger than I am by people for whom there is no benefit
in lying to me), but just because I seemed to have reached that point in my
life. I had made peace with it I suppose. A recent event made me realize that I
not only accept it, but I except it.
What was this momentous event? I shall tell you.
I had to go to Walmart the
other evening. While in the toy department, a young man, in his late teens (I
would estimate) felt it appropriate to bounce a basketball repeatedly and
loudly through the aisles of the toy department store while shouting
(repeatedly) "I gots da rock!" Upon my first encounter face to face
encounter w/this youth I said, "Yes, it looks very nice sitting on top of
your neck." This caused a nearby man in his 30s (?) to laugh uproariously,
and nearly fall over when the youth did not get that I was implying he had a
rock for a head. The youth continued to bounce the ball through the store (it
was loud and echoed). Then, as I waited in line to pay, I was again treated to
the sound (from the next lane) of the basketball being slammed into the floor
and the "I gots da rock" verbalization. After few rounds of this
noise. After watching other patrons roll their eyes and sigh and mutter about
they wished he would quit. After hearing the cashier beg Jesus to make it stop,
I said, "I’ve got this.” Then I very loudly said in my best “mom” voice, “IF
FOREVER!" My statement was accompanied by dead silence. Then I heard
cussing from the youth. He then rounded the corner to my lane, with a look of
anger on his face, his girlfried (?) following nervously behind him, he took a
step toward me. I put my arms out to my sides in a "bring it"
gesture, and said, "Yeah! What!?" He stopped short, held his hands up
in surrender and said, "Uhm, nothing ma'am, nothing." Walked back to
his lane and we did not hear anymore bouncing. The cashier asked if she could
be my bestie.
It was at the moment the youth
called me “ma’am”, that I realized I liked to be called “ma’am”. I accepted it.
I owned it. I expected it. I no longer think of being called ma’am as a sign
that I am “really old”. I think of it as a sign of respect, one that I have
earned by no longer be an inexperienced teen myself. I especially expect it from ill behaved punks
at Walmart!
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